
Wednesday, 06 December 2023
ACF’s Research – invited as speakers to focusIR Natural Resources Webinar
LONDON – 06 December 2023 –LONDON – ACF Equity Research’s MD Christopher Nicholson and Head of ESG Renas Sidahmed join focusIR to present our recently published thematic on Rare Earths, China’s dominance, challenges of REE mining and some inside tips on modelling an REE company….click here to play
Thursday, 15 December 2022
ACF’s Research – invited as speaker to OTCQX Annual Issuers Forum
LONDON – 15 December 2022 –See ACF Equity Research’s interview at the OTCQX Issuers Forum 2022 with Proactive Investors on what we do, our plans for 2023 and our view on accessing US capital markets…click here to play

Tuesday, 29 November 2022
ACF’s Research – signs My Language Connection as Official Language Partner
LONDON – 29 November 2022 – ACF Equity Research announced My Language Connection (MLC) as its official language partner. MLC offer a range of technical language services. This partnership allows ACF to immediately offer accurate, high quality multilingual research notes as part of its services to its clients and their investors….→continue reading

Podcast – ACF Executive Interview Part 3 – Morgan Lekstrom, CEO, Silver Hammer Mining (HAMR.CN, OTC:HAMRF) Talks About His Investment Case
Part 3 – Listen and watch as Morgan Lekstrom, CEO of Silver Hammer, discusses how his investment case is differentiated and what to do about the coming silver supply squeeze with ACF Equity Research’s Renas Sidahmed and Christopher Nicholson. In this part 3 and final part of our HAMR.CN (OTC : HAMRF) executive interviews series, we ask how Silver Hammer is making a difference and what that difference is that makes the investment case stand out.

Podcast – ACF Executive Interview Part 2 – Morgan Lekstrom, CEO, Silver Hammer Mining (HAMR.CN, OTC:HAMRF) Talks ESG in Mining
Listen and watch as Morgan Lekstrom, CEO of Silver Hammer, discusses ESG/Sustainability in the context of the future of mining with ACF Equity Research’s Renas Sidahmed and Christopher Nicholson. In this part 2 of our HAMR.CN (OTC : HAMRF) executive interviews series, we ask what Silver Hammer is doing about ESG/Sustainability – how ESG is impacting the sector and what Lekstrom would change if he could change one thing in mining.

Podcast – ACF Executive Interview Part 1 – Silver Hammer Mining (HAMR.CN, OTC:HAMRF) CEO, Morgan Lekstrom
Listen and watch as we discuss the future of mining with silver miner Hammer’s CEO Morgan Lekstrom and ACF Equity Research’s Renas Sidahmed and Christopher Nicholson. In the first of a series we ask HAMR.CN (OTC : HAMRF) what the challenges are for the future of mining, how ESG is impacting the sector and what some of the key trends are facing the mining sector. Morgan gives a dynamic and informed view of where things are going and what to look out for.

Podcast – ACF interviews Helium One (HE1.L, OTC: HLOGF) CEO, David Minchin
Listen in as we discuss HE1, helium miner, with its CEO, David Minchin and ACF Equity Research Technical Analyst, Zak Mir. We ask HE1.L (OTC : HLOGF) what helium is used for, how far out HE1 is funded, the economics of the business and what investors have to look forward to this year. Helium is typically extracted alongside natural gas using a drill rig to penetrate the cap rock to reach the gas reserve. Crude helium is ‘fractioned’ from natural gas using cryogenic (cooling) separation. HE1’s Rukwa project in Tanzania is the largest known global primary helium resource, according to the company.

Podcast – ACF interviews Danakali (DNK.L) Non-Executive Director, Neil Gregson
Listen in as we discuss Danakali (LSE: DNK), potash miner (sulphate of potash asset with 200 year LoM, in Eritrea) with DNK Non-Executive Director and ex JP Morgan portfolio manager, Neil Gregson, and ACF Equity Research Technical Analyst, Zak Mir. Mr Gregson discusses DNK’s competitive advantage, catalysts, change of leadership, and production and specific use of Sulphate of Potash (SoP).

Podcast – ACF interviews Guild Esports (GILD.L) Executive Chairman, Carleton Curtis
Listen in as we discuss GILD, e-sports specialist, with its Executive Chairman, Carleton Curtis and ACF Equity Research Technical Analyst, Zak Mir. We ask GILD
about its strategy and its recent deal with iconic brand, Subway and the ‘Gen Z’ audience, the contribution of GILD co-owner ex-international footballer and media star, David Beckham. Esports is at the top level a gaming business but its business model is that of a brand and marketing business – it sells audience.
Webinar – How to raise your valuation via sustainability (ACF and OTC Markets)
Christopher Nicholson and Renas Sidahmed discuss how to get ahead of the curve by implementing an ESG policy that encourages investor interest and when done well can boost your valuation.

Podcast – ACF solutions for liquidity and volatility (Hosted by OTC Markets)
Curious about why liquidity and volatility matter so much to nano to
mid-cap companies? Listen in as we discuss with Christopher Nicholson
and Renas Sidahmed of ACF Equity Research. We talk about why these
companies should not take their eye off the ball, and provide some insights
on what you, a public company, should do, that you may not already be doing.

Podcast – ACF interviews BrandShield Systems (BRSD.L) CEO Yoav Keren
Listen in as we discuss BRSD, SAAS online brand reputation protection
specialist with its CEO, Yoav Keren and ACF Equity Research Technical Analyst, Zak Mir
We ask BRSD what is left to do to crystallise value. BRSD monitors external
threats to brand reputation and thereby protects digital asset value. BRSD monitors
detects and removes online threats to the value of digital assets. Such threats include
executive impersonation, trademark infringements and counterfeit products. BRSD looks outside of the firewall rather than inside it.

Podcast – ACF interviews Tirupati Grapahite (TGR.L) Chief of Corporate & Business Development. Puruvi Poddar
Listen in as we discuss TGR, vertically integrated graphite and graphene producer, with its Chief of Corporate & Business Development, Puruvi Poddar, and ACF Equity Research Technical Analyst, Zak Mir. We ask TGR about its expandable graphite market opportunity. TGR has been waiting for compliance registration and so permission to sell into the EU market. Expandable graphite is used in flame retardancy in gaskets and seals in the vast European railway network and has other new promising applications. Europe is one of the world’s biggest markets for expandable graphite applications – and is currently largely supplied by China, according to TGR – TGR believes it can help change this dependency.

Podcast – ACF interviews Tirupati Graphite (TGR.L) Executive Chairman & Managing Director, Shishir Poddar
Listen in as we discuss TGR, vertically integrated graphite and graphene producer, with its Executive Chairman & Managing Director, Shishir Poddar, and ACF Equity Research Technical Analyst, Zak Mir. We ask TGR about its recent IPO, which ACF supported with its ACF HighTouchDistributionTM service. TGR.L’s Exec Chairman believes there is growing demand for flake graphite, describes TGR.L’s incremental relationship and flexibility of capex and production, and provides key basic insights into the flake graphite market.

Monday, 22 January 2018
ACF’s Research – MiFID II no obstacle to readers
LONDON – 22nd January 2018 –ACF Equity Research produces research that falls under the non-monetary minor benefit group in MiFID II. As we do not seek payment from the asset management community and do not have any execution function, you will be able to continue receiving our research under the new MiFID II regime. ….→continue reading

Monday, 23 January 2017
LONDON – 23rd January 2017 – Gibraltar Stock Exchange [GSX] – GSX Limited (‘GSX’), trading as the Gibraltar Stock Exchange, is a Gibraltar-based stock exchange, licensed by the Gibraltar Financial Services Commission since 2014 today announced that it had selected ACF Equity Research as a best-in-class institutional and global equity research provider, has approved ACF to provide its ground breaking new due diligence service…. .→continue reading

Monday, 19 September 2016
LONDON – 15th September 2016 – OTC Markets Group Inc. (OTCQX: OTCM), operator of financial markets for 10,000 U.S. and global securities, today announced the launch of a new online resource for OTCQX® and OTCQB® companies seeking third-party research analyses and investment tools in collaboration with best-in-class institutional and global equity research firms ACF Equity Research…→continue reading

Monday, 19 September 2016
NEW YORK – September 19, 2016 – OTC Markets Group Inc. (OTCQX: OTCM), operator of financial markets for 10,000 U.S. and global securities, today announced the launch of a new online resource for OTCQX® and OTCQB® companies seeking third-party research analyses and investment tools in collaboration with best-in-class institutional and global equity research firms ACF Equity Research, Edison, and Sidoti & Company, LLC…→continue reading

Monday, 23 November 2015
LONDON – 23rd November 2015 – ACF Equity Research has become the first independent equity research provider to be selected to join ISDX’s issuer services research list…→continue reading