With a global recession looming, how will the rental housing market fare?

With a global recession looming, how will the rental housing market fare?

There are early signs that buyers and sellers are pulling out of viewings in the residential housing market. Although it is premature to judge the validity of such anecdotal information, the situation has the potential to snowball. The BofE’s move...

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Will the airlines get a bailout?

Will the airlines get a bailout?

The global effort to contain the spread of the Coronavirus has impacted the travel industry in an unprecedented way. Airlines are cutting flights, tourists are cancelling trips and staff are unable to travel for work, due to travel restrictions and the constantly evolving...

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How transparent research need to be?

How transparent research need to be?

Gilbert Van Hassel, CEO of Robeco, a $195bn Dutch group specialising in Quants, emerging markets and sustainable investing, made a series of points about fees and environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria in yesterday's FT FM. He pointed...

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Is renewable energy the real victim of the oil price war?

Is renewable energy the real victim of the oil price war?

When Saudi Arabia tried but failed to push the US shale producers out of business in 2015/16, it only served to prove what many had suspected, that both Russia and Saudi were no longer the only kingmakers in the...

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Coronavirus: a reason to abandon equities or an opportunity?

Coronavirus: a reason to abandon equities or an opportunity?

New global figures reported this week, together with the recent outbreak in Italy, indicate it is increasingly difficult to contain the Coronavirus.  Investors have been digesting the impact of Coronavirus for over a month, hoping it would be contained,...

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What does HMRC stand to gain from targeting the super-rich tax avoidance schemes?

What does HMRC stand to gain from targeting the super-rich tax avoidance schemes?

It has been reported that HMRC intends to crack down on income tax avoidance by wealthy families and have created a secret unit to investigate how investment companies are used to minimise tax bills.  After a Freedom of Information...

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Why AI isn’t the new oil

Why AI isn’t the new oil

For the majority of us in developed economies, our lives run on software. Computing power is embedded everywhere, in everything and it’s invariably collecting data. The data may reveal our consumer preferences; or it could provide analytics on a...

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