What does HMRC stand to gain from targeting the super-rich tax avoidance schemes?

What does HMRC stand to gain from targeting the super-rich tax avoidance schemes?

It has been reported that HMRC intends to crack down on income tax avoidance by wealthy families and have created a secret unit to investigate how investment companies are used to minimise tax bills.  After a Freedom of Information...

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Responsible Sourcing of Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining (ASM)

Responsible Sourcing of Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining (ASM)

Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining (ASM) as defined by the OECD Due Diligence Guidelines, is a “formal or informal mining operations with predominantly simplified forms of exploration, extraction, processing and transportation. ASM is normally low capital intensive and uses high...

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How workplace culture can make a difference

How workplace culture can make a difference

When I co-founded ACF Equity Research, with our MD Christopher Nicholson, we were very clear that we wanted to be different. A different kind of research house. With very different values to those of our competitor set. We believed...

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Why aren’t more women working in technology (STEM)?

Why aren’t more women working in technology (STEM)?

There’s a long tradition of scientific research being used to make a case why women can’t do something. The publication of The Gendered Brain by Professor Gina Rippon earlier this year laid out (and debunked) centuries of questionable research,...

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Why AI isn’t the new oil

Why AI isn’t the new oil

For the majority of us in developed economies, our lives run on software. Computing power is embedded everywhere, in everything and it’s invariably collecting data. The data may reveal our consumer preferences; or it could provide analytics on a...

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Collaborative PhDs bring a big boost to small pharma and the life sciences

Collaborative PhDs bring a big boost to small pharma and the life sciences

These are exciting times for the life sciences industry, with the opportunity for many new collaborations driving innovation. With the recent announcement that the UK government has acknowledged the vital role played by life sciences in driving Britain's economy, there will be new...

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Even if you don’t plan for energy profiles to change, the world does. ACF C-Suite Guide.

Even if you don’t plan for energy profiles to change, the world does. ACF C-Suite Guide.

In part I of this blog https://acfequityresearch.com/decoupling-of-gdp-and-energy-growth/ We discussed some of the fundamental changes in macro-economic relationships happening now and revolving around energy and GDP growth. In part II we consider some of the implications for extractives (basic resources –...

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Decoupling of GDP and energy growth: A CEO guide. McKinsey Quarterly April 2019

Decoupling of GDP and energy growth: A CEO guide. McKinsey Quarterly April 2019

In the analysis below ACF takes a short form look at the data within the most recent McKinsey Quarterly report and overlays some of its own interpretation. When I try to reduce the whole of economics to one idea to...

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Biomining – what kind of future ?

Biomining – what kind of future ?

Is biomining the future? As global demand for minerals continues to rise, how can we maximize extraction from deposits with low grades? And is it possible to do so in a way that’s economically viable? Is there a way...

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Investments in Scottish commercial real estate grow in 2018

Investments in Scottish commercial real estate grow in 2018

The Scottish commercial real estate is booming in 2018, but at the start of the year this looked far from likely. After a rather slow 1Q start, levels of investment achieved record highs for 2Q18. A total £1.4bn has...

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