Could your facemask kill Coronavirus with electricity?

Could your facemask kill Coronavirus with electricity?

At the moment there isn't any underlying evidence as to whether or not a face mask could kill the Covid-19 virus using electricity as indicated in the story on 5th June 2020 in Popular Mechanics (which we summarise below),...

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Will the FDA speed up the approval of new drugs?

Will the FDA speed up the approval of new drugs?

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA - US healthcare regulator) will endeavour to review many drugs applications in the next year in relation to coronavirus, but concerns are emerging that if the FDA follows its old ways it will...

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Will dentists overcome the threat of the looming financial collapse?

Will dentists overcome the threat of the looming financial collapse?

Dental health has been something of the forgotten Covid-19 cousin to A&E, and GP practices, unless of course you have been in the painful position of requiring emergency dental treatment. It is a market under considerable pressure at this time,...

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Hospitals face consolidation wave

Hospitals face consolidation wave

While we have used the US as a reference point in this article, we suspect this is applicable across many health systems globally. A recent report has shown that hospitals in the US are struggling with covid-19, due in part...

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