Could the mental health fallout of the pandemic spur growth in the healthcare sector?

Could the mental health fallout of the pandemic spur growth in the healthcare sector?

Charles Cathlin, the chief executive of TruGenomix - a private biotech company, spent the better half of the lockdown months trying to galvanise investors about the potential of his company to transform the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). PTSD...

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Part II – How Big Oil is Trying to Win Back Investors

Part II – How Big Oil is Trying to Win Back Investors

On May 27th 2020, ExxonMobil, Chevron and BP all had their annual shareholder meetings which did not have the desired outcome. To date, Covid-19 has caused a deep collapse in the demand for oil. The breakeven oil price required to...

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Can the UK make a green Covid 19 recovery?

Can the UK make a green Covid 19 recovery?

More than 200 top UK firms and investors, from both multinational and national businesses across industry sectors including energy, finance, consumer goods, retail, construction, water and communication are calling on the government to deliver a Covid-19 recovery plan that...

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Ericsson raises 5G forecasts

Ericsson raises 5G forecasts

Ericsson, a Swedish telecom equipment maker, announced it is raising its 2025 forecast 5G subscriptions globally to 2.8bn up 200m from 2.6bn on the back of the coronavirus pandemic. Telecoms is one of the few sectors, along with Healthcare and...

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Competition for investment in energy stocks is strong.  What should be considered?

Competition for investment in energy stocks is strong. What should be considered?

Being a successful long-term investor in energy stocks has become exceedingly difficult the past several years and increasingly there is competition in the form of renewable energy investment. Below I give an account of the development of the oil industry...

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Will the airlines get a bailout?

Will the airlines get a bailout?

The global effort to contain the spread of the Coronavirus has impacted the travel industry in an unprecedented way. Airlines are cutting flights, tourists are cancelling trips and staff are unable to travel for work, due to travel restrictions and the constantly evolving...

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How transparent research need to be?

How transparent research need to be?

Gilbert Van Hassel, CEO of Robeco, a $195bn Dutch group specialising in Quants, emerging markets and sustainable investing, made a series of points about fees and environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria in yesterday's FT FM. He pointed...

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Why aren’t more women working in technology (STEM)?

Why aren’t more women working in technology (STEM)?

There’s a long tradition of scientific research being used to make a case why women can’t do something. The publication of The Gendered Brain by Professor Gina Rippon earlier this year laid out (and debunked) centuries of questionable research,...

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Film Investment

Film Investment

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