Sun Machine – the new energy generator

Sun Machine – the new energy generator

'Sun Machine', the world's largest science project, was born in the 1980s to produce clean energy. Sun Machine's tokamak can harness nuclear fusion as a power source. The International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) project is worth €20bn (£18.2bn). The...

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Can ‘CommonPass’ save aviation?

Can ‘CommonPass’ save aviation?

An airline digital health pass started undergoing tests this week. With track and trace on the ground, it is timely for an app that can get people back up in the air. The Commons Project, a Swiss non-profit, has created...

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Battle for Global Gaming

Battle for Global Gaming

Amazon (IXIC:AMZN), one of the FANG stocks, announced on 24th September 2020 the launch of its new gaming subscription service, Luna. Amazon is in a battle for a position in the gaming market. The gaming market is set for accelerated...

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The millennial investor boom

The millennial investor boom

Millennial investors, born 1986-91, since Covid struck, have Wall Street taking them seriously. Millennials are the new generation of smartphone day traders. Millennials own 7% of the US total wealth (USD 9.1 trillion) compared to the 26% of baby...

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Vanadium Flow batteries preferred for long energy storage

Vanadium Flow batteries preferred for long energy storage

Is the future of residential energy efficiency in vanadium flow batteries (VFBs)? Vanadium flow batteries are rechargeable batteries that use vanadium ions to store energy instead of say Lithium-ion. Vanadium (V) is a hard, grey transition metal that is found...

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Market opportunities in wearable tech

Market opportunities in wearable tech

Wearable technology might well be the answer for false negatives or inconclusive diagnostics tests. As a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, there is a growing demand for non-invasive accurate diagnostics. This is needed in hospitals as well as in homes. A...

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Winners and losers of the property sector pandemic

Winners and losers of the property sector pandemic

There is an opportunity for UK listed commercial property companies and it is simpler than any opportunity for residential listed property companies. This is not what you might expect. The UK's housing market (read residential property companies and residential REITs)...

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Newmont’s ESG Gold good for mining

Newmont’s ESG Gold good for mining

The mining industry is shifting its focus - to adopting ESG policy targets on the road to zero emissions mines. Newmont (NYSE: NEM) announced its long-term emissions target on 16 Oct. 2020.  The largest gold miner is aiming for consistency...

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Brexit – what now for EU markets?

Brexit – what now for EU markets?

UK markets have long been preparing for Brexit. Contingency plans are in place for a smooth transition. The London Stock Exchange Group (LSE) has been preparing behind the scenes on how to handle the post Brexit trade deal plans. Risks...

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Track & trace – why the hesitation?

Track & trace – why the hesitation?

Track and trace tools have long been effective in managing outbreaks. So why the hesitation with the Covid-19 pandemic? Turkey's Ministry of Health has a long standing history of tracing diseases since the Republic was formed in 1922. As a...

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