Battle for Global Gaming

Battle for Global Gaming

Amazon (IXIC:AMZN), one of the FANG stocks, announced on 24th September 2020 the launch of its new gaming subscription service, Luna. Amazon is in a battle for a position in the gaming market. The gaming market is set for accelerated...

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The millennial investor boom

The millennial investor boom

Millennial investors, born 1986-91, since Covid struck, have Wall Street taking them seriously. Millennials are the new generation of smartphone day traders. Millennials own 7% of the US total wealth (USD 9.1 trillion) compared to the 26% of baby...

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Track & trace – why the hesitation?

Track & trace – why the hesitation?

Track and trace tools have long been effective in managing outbreaks. So why the hesitation with the Covid-19 pandemic? Turkey's Ministry of Health has a long standing history of tracing diseases since the Republic was formed in 1922. As a...

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Is ESG driving Renewables?

Is ESG driving Renewables?

Luke Oliver, Head of Index Investing Americas at DWS Group (DWS.DE: XETRA), a leading issuer, told CNBC's ETF Edge in an interview on 14 Sept. 2020 that Environmental, Social and Governmental (ESG) filters as an investment decision factor has...

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NIH ‘Shark Tank’ Awards – Update?

NIH ‘Shark Tank’ Awards – Update?

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) in the US announced in August that it had awarded $248.7m to 7 companies out of 650 applicants in order to accelerate the development of Covid-19 diagnostic tests. The NIH fund allocation was a...

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Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in /homepages/33/d899469160/htdocs/clickandbuilds/ACF website/wp-content/themes/nimva/functions/custom_functions.php on line 1513
Might climate friendly housing be another niche market that gets a dramatic boost?

Might climate friendly housing be another niche market that gets a dramatic boost?

Tim De Chant, a climate journalist and lecturer at MIT, reported in Undark on the 20th of August how households in the US use up almost 2x the amount of energy as households in Europe. US homes produce approximately...

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We estimate that the robots and drones market will reach a value of $35.9bn by 2030E

We estimate that the robots and drones market will reach a value of $35.9bn by 2030E

The Financial Times reported recently that Covid-19 has severely impacted the agriculture sector, with farms all over the world faced with fields of fruits and vegetables left unharvested as workers are unable to work due to travel restrictions or...

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The incorporation of smart technology into agriculture can help farmers manage risk

The incorporation of smart technology into agriculture can help farmers manage risk

Nespresso, in partnership with Blue Marble Microinsurance (a UK company), launched a pilot weather index insurance program in 2018 to provide coverage for crop losses due to climate shocks. The programme assists small and independent farmers in Colombia in the...

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Is Sustainable Investing Phasing Out the Coal Industry?

Is Sustainable Investing Phasing Out the Coal Industry?

BHP (BHP:NYSE), an Anglo-Australian oil and gas company, confirmed on Tuesday 18 August 2020 that it will begin scaling back on its thermal coal business and that it will start selling its older oil and gas assets in an...

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What more can governments do to ensure people wear the right kind of mask?

What more can governments do to ensure people wear the right kind of mask?

TIME magazine published an article on the effectiveness of homemade masks on 24 August 2020 and spoke to the controversy and confusion around them. In March, top US public health officials told the general public that masks were not needed...

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